Cat Won't Let Go of Owner's Hand

  • 8 years ago
Cat’s are usually known for being very independent and almost aloof about their owners’ affections most of the time. While it’s usually us humans clamoring to get our cats’ attention and affection, in this unique situation the roles have been reversed! This adorable cat is the exception to kitty kind when it comes to human-cat relationships. This kitty loves her human and makes sure that her human knows exactly how much by hugging her arm and refusing to let go! This is every cat lover’s dream come true! Finding a cat who wants to cuddle and be with you is about as rare as finding a bird that will fly into your hand to become your new best friend! This overly attached cat will not let go of her owner no matter how much her owner tries to wiggle her way out. But then again, why would you want to get out of this adorable cat’s embrace? Who knows when this opportunity will come around again if ever? Well, we better enjoy this amazing moment while we can. Catch the entirety of this cat’s adorable attachment to her owner in the video below!
