Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and his housemates will be on a wide-landed property.

  • 8 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: Accounts state that, "Mahdi and his housemates will be on a 'rahaba'."  'Rahaba' means a wide-landed property. See that a wide-landed property is mentioned. This can very well be a house with a large garden, with an enclosed garden, that is to say.  "The Prophet Noah (pbuh) also settled in this place," in the country for instance, "…where Mahdi resided," accounts state. Where is this place? Turkey. The accounts also state that, “The place where Mahdi (pbuh) resides in is called Ardh al-tayyiba." The clean land. It might probably refer to the place where our Master Tayyip (Erdoğan) is. Well, actually I am doing our Master Tayyip a favor here, while explaining the hadiths, he should keep this in mind. "Ardh al-tayyiba" in other words, the clean land, it is called. There is also the term "balda at-Taiba," which is used for Istanbul. A clean city. God embellished Istanbul like a bride