3000-year-old wheel dug up from mud in the UK

  • 8 years ago
3,000 year old wheel found in Cambridgeshire
Experts say it rivals the finds at Pompeii

Three Bronze Age houses found with their contents intact

The news

Archaeologists in the UK have unearthed what is thought to be the largest and oldest example of a wheel from the Bronze Age.

We’ve uncovered the oldest, complete Bronze Age wheel! Over the next few days we’ll be sharing more detailed info. pic.twitter.com/2ZUBWCMQUN— Must Farm (@MustFarm) February 19, 2016

The 3,000-year-old discovery was made at a site in the county of Cambridgeshire which has been dubbed “Britain’s Pompeii”.

The historical heritage of the finds at Must Farm is said to rival that of the famous town buried by an erupting volcano in Italy.

The one-metre diameter wooden wheel has been dated back to as far as 1,100 BC.

Three Bronze Age round houses have been discovered at the site with their contents intact inside.

In pictures

3,000-year-old Bronze Age wheel unearthed in UK https://t.co/IfDZQtV4
