Picture Of Slave I From Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

  • 8 years ago
A toy fair may have leaked Boba Fett's appearance in Star War's Rogue One. At the Nuremberg Toy Fair last week, Lego unveiled its Stars Wars products across ...

Source: New lego sets may have given away that Boba Fett and his iconic ...

First, it was Vader, now we're getting Boba Fett in Rogue One as well! Holy fuck. This movie is going to be the best. So many great cameos!

Could Boba Fett be appearing in the Star Wars: Rogue One anthology film? Some LEGO promotional images seem to point towards the possibility of us seeing ...

Aside from the main plot, we know precious little about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The first spinoff revolves around a group of Rebel soldiers who set out to ...

Picture Of Slave I From Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Picture Of Slave I From Rogue One: A Star Wars Story