Republican Debate Will Be Framed by Death of Antonin Scalia

  • 8 years ago
Former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida blasted Donald J. Trump for insulting the Bush family and ridiculed the idea that Mr. Trump could be commander in chief during a contentious and sometimes nasty Republican presidential debate in Greenville, S.C., on Saturday, a week before a crucial primary in the state.
After a somber opening to the debate that focused on the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Mr. Bush aggressively took on Mr. Trump — an imperative for the former governor, given his poor showings in New Hampshire and the Iowa caucuses this month.
Having helped raise more than $155 million, and with his family’s political reputation on the line, Mr. Bush had the look and feel of a man taking his last, best shot to rescue his candidacy and destroy Mr. Trump’s.
