tony hawk meaning and pronunciation

  • 8 years ago
tony hawk is probably the most popular skateboarder of all time. he is noted for inventing over 80 tricks, and the most popular one of these is the 900.

many claim he's the best skateboarder, but most skaters believe that no one deserves such a title since there are so many guys who are as good as tony that it's impossible to make a comparison like that.

he's also the founder of the tony hawk foundation, an organization that raises money and builds skateparks for kids in need of them.

some hate him because he endorses mainstream companies, while others are die hard fans. any way you look at it, you have to admit that he's for real and he's highly responsible for the way skateboarding is percieved by the public today.

i suggest reading his autobiography for more info, as this definition does not do him justice.

tony hawk definition by Urban Dictionary