Excitement at Loveshhuda Trailer Launch | #fame Bollywood

  • 8 years ago
"Girish Kumar and Navneet Kaur Dhillon starrer 'Loveshhuda' is all set to hit the screens this week. Just a month before V​alentine's week, Om Shanti Om and Ra One director, Vaibhav Misra is going to set the mood with this modern day love story. We will see Ramaiya Vastavaiya star Girish Kumar and Femina Miss World 2013 Navneet Kaur Dhillon romantically engage in a twisted love story that every youth will be able to connect to. At the trailer launch we saw stars of 'Loveshhuda' dance to the ​music and show their excitement! Watch them live on #fame with famestar Bhakti Sheth, where they convey their love to us and guarantee that we will enjoy their movie.
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