Russia should say, "We will tackle the issue of Syria peacefully and kindly"

  • 8 yıl önce
BULENT SEZGIN: Addressing the massacre in Paris, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated: "There is no justification for terrorist acts and no justification for us not [to do] much more to defeat ISIS, Al-Nusra and the like."

ADNAN OKTAR: Does it mean that they will drop more bombs?


ADNAN OKTAR: This will further increase the severity of Armageddon. However, this time, they will start to carry out their attacks in Russia as well. They say, "The blood will spill like an ocean in Russia." Then, you will see that people are wailing, mothers and children are crying, which will terrorize others as well. And, this will lead to deteriorate the situation. He makes a mistake by such statement. He should say, "We will eradicate violence with love. By means of the spirit of peace, the spirit of brotherhood, knowledge, and the understanding of culture, we will eradicate it." This is an improper statement with which he fouls his own ne
