PKK Using the Quran as a Shield in a Mosque in Sur, Diyarbakir is the Evidence of Their Hostility Towards Islam

  • 8 yıl önce
BULENT SEZGIN: Before the curfew was lifted in Sur, Diyarbakir, the terrorists used the Quran as a shield. Kurşunlu Mosque, located in Fatihpaşa District, famous for being the first Ottoman work in the town, was used as headquarters and armory by terrorists and they did great damage to the historical mosque, including the door, the walls and the windows. Terrorist were seen piling up copies of the Quran in front of the windows of the historical mosque, built in 1520, as a shield.

ADNAN OKTAR: This once again clearly shows how these cowards are ready to attack the Quran and Islam. They are ready to destroy a mosque the first chance they get. They use the Quran like sandbags, God forbid, to protect themselves from bullets or from the impact of explosions. They are just that low and cowardly.