Amitabh Bachchan Confirmed For ‘Aankhen 2’

  • 8 years ago
Watch the video Amitabh Bachchan is all set to start the shooting of upcoming thriller ‘Aankhen 2‘. This film is a sequel to the 2002 film ‘Aankhen‘. earlier this year, director Anees Bazmee announced that he had been roped in to direct the much-awaited sequel to ‘Aankhen’ (2002). While the filmmaker had also announced that a fresh cast, consisting of Anil Kapoor and John Abraham, has been finalised, it has now been confirmed that Amitabh Bachchan will be retained from the original cast. In an recent interview, Amitabh Bachchan confirmed that he liked the concept of the film and will start shooting in March. He further added that he has heard the basic concept and he liked it very much but the final narration is yet to take place and he has given his dates to the director.
On asking about the final star cast, the ‘Shamitabh‘ actor Amitabh Bachchan replied that he can’t speak about the star cast because the final narration and finalizing has not happened yet. He knows about the star cast but doesn’t know whether they are finalized or not.‘Aankhen 2‘ is directed by ‘Welcome Back‘ director Anees Bazmee
