Egypt: No sign yet of 'terrorist act' in Russian plane crash

  • 9 years ago
A preliminary investigation into the crash of a Russian passenger plane has found no indication yet of any "illegal or terrorist act," Egypt's chief investigator said in a statement released Monday.
The vaguely worded statement by Ayman el-Muqadam said the investigation committee so far has not found "any evidence" indicating foul play in the Oct. 31 downing of the plane, killing all 224 people onboard, mostly Russian vacationers returning home from the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
The committee is "continuing its work," it said.
Russia has said an explosive device had been placed onboard the Airbus A321-200 and the Sinai branch of the Islamic State group has claimed responsibility.
The crash led Russia to suspend all flights to and from Egypt, dealing a heavy blow to the country's vital tourism industry.
