Imran Khan at the India Today conference Complete Session

  • 8 years ago
Imran Khan at the India Today conference Complete Session

"Out future does not have to be like our past, lets live in peace and harmony and build within us the capacity to love. Lets not alienate each another, lets alienate extremism and extremists instead."

This is his complete session on politics
Imran Khan Defends Islam and Pakistan and gives the message of love and peace in India.
Imran Khan Responds to Journalist Who Says Pakistani People Don't Condemn Terrorism (December 11, 2015)
"Our future does not have to be like our past. Humans have the capability to end hate and live in harmony. This is the message I bring to everyone in India"

Chairman Imran Khan spoke candidly from the heart in India today. He said that it was time to move forward from politics of hate and rivalry; Pakistan and India should work together to alleviate poverty. Peace between Pakistan and India will alienate terrorists and extremists on both sides. When I was at university, we saw the European Union came together despite countries having been at war previously, and the whole region progressed as a whole. My vision for South Asia is the same. Let's move forward in peace and harmony; this is the true win against terrorism. ‪#‎KaptaanInIndia‬
