Is Success a Bad Idea? (Pizzamas Day 9 of 10)

  • 9 yıl önce
Im not sure if I really got to the point I was trying to get to in this video.I had to cut a good bit out to fit it into four minutes. But I guess I feel like when people compliment me on my success they are putting me inside of a certain worldview that I dont believe in, but that is seen as universal by them.\r
What I think is important is financial and social security. But being perceived by society as important is a really weird thing to base success on because it is necessarily something that only a small percentage of the population can have. Not because people dont have the important skills and talents, and not because they arent dedicated and amazing and helpful, but because it comes down to the distribution of finite resources.\r
Whether those resources are money or the control of others or the attention of others, basing a persons value on the unequal distribution of those resources is a bad idea and I dont want to be a part of that system, or a part of the way that people justify it to themselves or to society.\r
If I am successful, it is because I have accomplished many of the things I have set out to accomplish and those things have had positive impacts on peoples lives. I am certainly not unique or special in having done fact, I would say, the vast majority of people are successes when that definition is used, which is a thing that I truly believe. I think most people die successful, and I think imagining a world in which success is some kind of rare commodity is wrong.\r
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