Post-panairi, efekti në treg - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
  • 8 years ago
Një jave pas mbylljes se Panarit te librit ne Tirane disa nga libraritë me te mëdha ne kryeqytet shprehen se efekti blerje vazhdon. Ferhat Muhedini tregon se, çdo vit pas panairit te librit ka gjithmonë një periudhe "Te thate" persë i përket blerjes se librave.
Por, këtë nëntor, ndryshe nga me pare, pohon Muhedini, ne librarinë qe ai drejton shqiptaret e kane rritur interesin ndaj librave. Por, edhe pse siç duket efekti panair këtë vit paska rritur numrin e lexuesve, ajo çka pohojnë libraret është se, blerjet vazhdojnë te jene po botimet e përfolura, si libri i Helena Kadarese, ai i Blushit, i Rames apo biografia e Enver Hoxhes. Nga ana tjetër, libraret zbulojnë gjithashtu se gjate ditëve te panairit, botuesit nuk i kishin furnizuar me librat e perfolur, me qellim shitjen e tyre nga vete ata ne panair. Sipas te dhenave zyrtare, edhe pse jo te sakta edicioni i 14 i panairit te librit ne Tirane, u frekuentua nga 90 deri ne 95 mije vizitore. Mediatizimi i tij, për disa arsye, mes te cilave edhe librat e politikaneve, ndikuan sipas organizatoreve ne fluksin e vizitoreve te këtij viti.

A week after closing the book in Tirana Panarit some of the major bookstores in the capital say that the effect of acquisitions continues. Ferhat Muhedini shows that every year after the book fair is always a period of "dry" in terms of purchasing books.
But this November, unlike previously, Muhedini claims, in which he directs library Albanians have increased interest in the books. But, although such effect seems somewhat fair this year increased the number of readers, what say the library is that acquisitions continue to be publications are familiar with, as Helena Kadare's book, it's good arguments, Rama or biography of Enver Hoxha. On the other hand, the library also reveal that during the fair days, publishers were not supplied with controversial books, in order to sell them by themselves at the fair. According to official data, although not accurate 14 edition of the book fair in Tirana, was frekuentua from 90 up to 95 thousand guests. His Mediatizimi, for several reasons, among which the books of politicians, influenced by the organizers in the flow of visitors this year.