Jordan's king welcomes 'status quo' announcement

  • 9 years ago
Jordan’s King Abdullah II on Sunday said he welcomed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's statement regarding maintaining the “status quo” on the Temple Mount - so long as it is implemented.
"I followed up on the Israeli prime minister's remarks last night and his assurances to commit to the status quo arrangements, and not to change it."
King Abdullah said during a meeting with visiting Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, according to the official Jordanian news agency Petra.
He said that Netanyahu's statement would help end the violence and ease tension, expressing hope it will lead to speedily launching efforts needed to address core issues through negotiations.
On Saturday night, Netanyahu released a statement, in English, in which he stressed that Israel will continue the current practice whereby Muslims are permitted to pray on the Temple Mount whereas non-Muslims are only allowed to visit the compound, which is of significance to Jews, Muslims and Christians.
