55: Pumpkin Regatta, Largest Catamaran

  • 17 years ago
First: The seventh running of the Goffstown, New Hampshire Great Pumpkin Weigh-off and Regatta was held Oct 13-14. Photos of the event, taken by Neil Funcke, can be found on the Goffstown, New Hampshire website: www.town.goffstown.nh.us

Next: Project Gemini -- The Largest Privately-Owned Catamaran Coming Spring 2008. The Derecktor Shipyard facility in Bridgeport, Connecticut is currently putting the final touches on what will ultimately be the largest privately owned catamaran constructed to date. According to BMT Group, Project Gemini is nearing the end of the construction process at the reputable shipyard and is due for launch in the spring of 2008. To learn more visit www.BMTYachts.com

Finally today: Alexander Graham Bell's Work on the Original Hydrofoil Boats

For more information on hydrofoil boats please visit www.Hydrofoil.com

TheBoaters TV, hosted by Julie Perry, airs 5-7 minute episodes every M, W, & F here on DailyMotion.com and at www.TheBoaters.TV
