Duffy on Fox & Friends: The Media needs to ask the tough questions of the Administration

  • 9 yıl önce
U.S. Representative Sean Duffy (WI-07) appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss recent comments he made to tell the mainstream media to do their job and ask the tough questions of the President and his AdministrationDuring an interview with Andrea Mitchell, U.S. Representative Sean Duffy (WI-07) asked the longtime Washington D.C. er why Comedy Central's Jon ...

U.S. Representative Sean Duffy (WI-07) appeared on Fox & Friends to discuss recent comments he made to tell the mainstream media to do their job and ask ...

Congressman Sean Duffy (WI-07) discusses the CFPB's tracking of credit card transactions on Fox and Friends.

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh reluctantly lifted a self-imposed ban on playing clips of MSNBC on his program Wednesday in order to highlight a tense ...

10/27/13 - On Fox News' Media Buzz Sunday morning, Fox contributor Lauren Ashburn claimed the Daily Show's Jon Stewart had significantly harmed ...
