Obama defends Clinton over private email server, blames controversy on politics

  • 9 years ago
Hillary Rodham Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of State "is not a situation in which America's national security was endangered," President Obama said in an interview Sunday, adding that although Clinton "made a mistake," he believes the controversy over the matter has "been ginned up ... in part because of politics."
"I think that it was a mistake that she has acknowledged and, you know, as a general proposition, when we're in these offices, we have to be more sensitive and stay as far away from the line as possible when it comes to how we handle information, how we handle our own personal data," he said.
"The fact that for the last three months this is all that's been spoken about is an indication that we're in presidential political season," Obama said, noting that there is no evidence the private system was used to "hide something or to squirrel away information."
