Trans Pacific Partnership - What is the TPP and should we be concerned? - Truthloader LIVE

  • 9 yıl önce
For a long time now there has been concern about the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and what it might mean for intellectual property laws and online rights but little is known about the negotiations for the treaty because talks are being held in secret. However, WikiLeaks managed to obtain and release the chapter of the agreement concerning IP and people who've been following the talks are more worried than ever. We spoke to journalist, writer and author of Rebel Code, Glyn Moody about just what the TPP is and the potential consequences of it being signed./TPP The TPP isn't just another pesky acronym, it's a whole lot worse. In less than two minutes, this video explains the dangers a ...

On 14 November we held a live Hangout discussion with Glyn Moody, a journalist and writer who specialises in looking at open source, open data, copyright, ...

Sign our TPP petition! Go here: /tpp Have you heard of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)? No? Well you're not alone because ...

For a long time now there has been concern about the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and what it might mean for intellectual property laws and online ...