Greece Votes In Its Second Election Of 2015

  • 9 years ago
Greek voters may be feeling déjà vu Sunday as they head to the polls to cast their ballots in the country's second election and third national vote of this year.
The two previous votes, the first of which brought former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' left-wing Syriza party to power in January and the second of which rejected a proposed bailout deal, cast long shadows over today's vote.
The dominant issue of the campaign has been Greece's dire economy and the government's handling of the multi-billion dollar bailout deal with European creditors, which the country accepted in exchange  for imposing harsh austerity measures.
The financial chaos in Greece over months of torturous bailout negotiations took its toll  on the already devastated economy, causing a massive flight of capital  out of Greek banks and leading to the imposition of capital controls restricting the flow of money in the country.
