Fascination Ironman - English Version

  • 9 years ago
This clip looks at the phenomenon that is Ironman triathlon and answers the question of what it is that fascinates so many people about this sport? Reigning World Champion Sebastian Kienle gives us his verdict and pays respect especially to the “age-groupers”. We also find out from Austrian age grouper Erich Artner, a double amputee, who lives out the fascination of this increasingly popular sport at the 70.3 Ironman World championship in Zell am See, Austria. We follow Artner throughout the race in Zell am See and shine a light on how competing in Ironman races has given him a self-confidence boost that helped him to deal with his disability. Short finish line interviews with other age group athletes in Zell am See about the fascination of Ironman round off this clip.