The Abjad Value of the 3rd Verse of Surat At-Takwir Gives Year 2016

  • 9 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: In  Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, “Mahdi (as) will appear from the east. Even if mountains rise up before him he will crush them, and find a path for himself in those mountains.” This is a hadith of the end times. The mountains will melt down and be crushed, this means those will turn into plain land and he will find a path for himself. It is stated, “And the mountains are shifted and become a mirage,” (Surat An-Naba, 20). Just show the related video. They ask how can those mountains move? How could they be crushed? You may show how that could happen. This is a mountain. See that it is shifted. In verse 20 of Surat An-Naba, it is stated, “And the mountains are shifted and become a mirage.” You can see that mountains are moving here.

There are two attributes of Mahdi (as); one is mentioned in the hadith of our Prophet (pbuh), “Mahdi (as) will conquer Constantinople and the Djebel (mount).&r