Lafayette Train Wreck Massacre - The Non Birth (or Death) of "Mayci Breaux"

  • 9 years ago
Why can no trace of 'victim' Mayci Breaux be found anywhere, except what appears AFTER her "death"? Why does she have a double named Gina - who died (in real life) just a few days earlier? Here you will see the surprising results. "Train Wreck" is an alternate name for this 'massacre', which is well deserved indeed!

Mayci CANNOT be a nickname for "Maycie Marie Breaux" (AKA Marie), for reasons you will soon see. The techniques employed to create disposable children for Sandy Hook, seem to be revisited here.

The Lafayette Theater Shooting - where according to a witness in the theater, no shots were fired. At least one Vict-Sim who appears not to exist, and a "shooter" who is DIRECTLY related to a Federal Public Defender. The other has a rap sheet too long to fit into one video, a failed music carreer just like Sandy Hook families, and
