Business Daily Ep81

  • 9 years ago
Leftover power, the cause?
Despite the warming summer weather, Korea's electricity supply is still in abundance. Power reserves maintain a 30% threshold even during peak times. This is a very different picture from 2011 when the country was hit with surprise, massive blackouts. What's the cause?

Incheon Creative Economy Innovation Center
The last of 17 creative economy centers opened in the port city of Incheon last week with an aim to boost the competitiveness of startups specializing in IT-based logistics systems. With an initial investment of US$140 million from conglomerate Hanjin Group, how can they work together for the global expansion and advancement into Asia’s biggest economy?

50th year anniversary of going overseas
It's been 50 years since domestic construction firms went overseas. It's had a few bumpy courses from the global oil crisis, but are showing signs of slow recovery like receiving new orders from Middle Eastern countries like Kuwait. We examine both the past and future of Korea's construction companies abroad, and see if a second Middle Eastern