NSA piggy backs on consumer electronics to spy on people

  • 9 years ago
Show me a marijuana activist that doesn’t believe in conspiracies. I will show you either a cop, a fraud or an ignoramus.

“IGNORAMUS, n. A person unacquainted with certain kinds of knowledge familiar to yourself, and having certain other kinds that you know nothing about.” ?Ambrose Bierce
For 80 years the government has had a conspiracy going against consumers, growers and distributors of hemp/cannabis. Yet every once and a while, I find someone that is a “Cannabis Activist” who balks when you say “there are conspiracies against the people” followed by ______ (fill in the blank, as to which conspiracy).

Do you trust someone who balks at the thought of conspiracies?

I mean look at it this way, most of our neighbors, and most developed nations have the ability to grow hemp, but we have had 80 years of this conspiracy (fact, not theory) of hemp prohibition, and yet there is no justification for it what-so-ever that deals with truth.

Then we have this big issue with Ed Snowden, and Julian Assange, and how they became whistle blowers and then public enemy #1, for simply releasing data, that the people should have access to in a free country.

Even if you're not doing anything wrong, you're being watched and recorded. And the storage capability of these system increases every year consistently by orders of magnitude... The can use tis system to go back in time and scrutinize every decision you've ever made, every friend you've ever discussed something with and attack you on that basis... To derive suspicion from an innocent life and paint anyone in the context of a wrongdoer. - Edward Snowden
Even if you’re not doing anything wrong, you’re being watched and recorded. And the storage capability of these system increases every year consistently by orders of magnitude… The can use tis system to go back in time and scrutinize every decision you’ve ever made, every friend you’ve ever discussed something with and attack you on that basis… To derive suspicion from an innocent life and paint anyone in the context of a wrongdoer. – Edward Snowden

And they still balk at conspiracy theories?
What about the conspiracy facts, that were just “theories” before they became facts?

Don’t you think people sat around talking about the possibilities of these theories, being true?
Then they became TRUE! Which proves that often “conspiracy theories” become “conspiracy facts”.

I like ideas. I like hearing other people’s ideas.

I ran a radio station for years, that I invited other people to come on my show and share their ideas.
More at: http://xcannabis.com/2015/07/show-me-a-cannabis-prohibition-activist-that-doesnt-believe-in-a-conspiracy/
