Orquesta La Solucion - Quisiera {Idilio}

  • 9 years ago
That sound relationship with the New York salsa allowed Rivera and his boys on the island accompany Ruben Blades, Celia Cruz and Hector Lavoe. The Singer of Singers accompanied him in 1986, and at the end of his career. Celia shared in 1980.
"That lady was like a grandmother to us, imagine. We said 'Hail Mary these babies put some bows that neither Willie Colón'. And Cabecita Cotton stood on the corner, I said 'I will do as I direct, but you do what you do.' "
A Blades knew him before, just as the Panamanian had brought to market the disc Putting hand, his first with Willie Colón. Rivera did not know who Blades. "They called me pa 'me I had to be the next day at a hotel in San Juan on an audition for a tour with a new singer. I called the boys and everyone said yes. We left pa 'San Juan, at the time the trip was four hours, we arrived there and introduced us to the Panamanian skinny kid. We played two songs and he told us to stop. "
Orchestra SolutionAt that time Roberto thought he not hired, but Blades liked the solution. "We told him to let us play a couple of numbers more because we had traveled from Mayaguez to play and were warming. He asked how long was the trip and when we told him four hours' Compadre said we do after that trip you have that afinque? Keep the instruments that invite them food. "
That same evening and in his early days with The Solution, Blades noticed the talent and charisma of a young man who was breaking with the orchestra. According to Rivera, as soon as he heard the Panamanian said "That boy will go far, Take care of."
That was in 1977 and that "boy" was only 19 Frankie Ruiz, who two years later would stick with the solution one of his most memorable themes, La Rueda.
Rivera remembers the first time that Frankie sang with the orchestra. "His mother accompanied him to a dance, introduced him and asked me to let him sing. I told him I could not because the boy did not know the numbers of the solution, but both the lady insisted I let climb on the chorus. When I heard it I really liked the timbre and tone of voice. since that day he stayed with us. "
With Wheel Frankie became famous and toured Latin America Solution. "The wheel was number one on the radio in this country six months," said Rivera. But gather not last long. "There was a lot of work and Frankie had concerns soloist, then I wanted to do it their way, enable them to manage it the orchestra and it could not be. Then he spoke to the company parted and incorporate Papo Sanchez Solution with MeGUI Rivera, my brother before playing congas and hit the fling. "
Homage to the Orquesta SolutionThe eighties were a time of hard work and international success for the solution. They received the prize trophy Salsa Peru; Golden Owl in Panama, and the Scroll Costeñidad Colombiana. They also beat hits like The Rose and life, spoiled and La Morena juma yesterday. In times of Monga sauce, Rivera decided to continue their trombones and include pumps and full in his repertoire. They also recorded an album in 1983 with Antonio Caban Vale "El Topo".
Solution In 2005 held his thirties with a disc and a concert in Mayaguez. This year celebrates its 35th anniversary with a new topic that have circulated on the Internet for free to their fans: They are 35.
Roberto Rivera still lives in Mayaguez, on Highway 106 road to Las Marias. In his wooden house, which he shares with his wife, daughter and the day of our visit with their grandchildren, saved as relics of his orchestra LPs, photos, posters and records. There teaches music and cured hawallana playing guitar, an instrument he learned self-taught and that keeps you from cords and has lived since he fell in love with the guitar and bass. His orchestra still guise, especially in countries like Panama and Colombia, places where it has already sounded the new theme of the solution.

Source Link - http://www.mayaguezsabeamango.com/historias/historias-final/161-la-solucion