Pakistan Supreme Court reinstates chief justice

  • 17 years ago
In historic ruling, High Court declares President Musharraf's suspension of Iftikhar Chaudhry was 'illegal'


Chief Justice Chaudhry had become a symbol for pro-democracy and anti-Musharraf forces since he was ousted from office on March 9 on charges of judicial misconduct and nepotism.

Chaudhry opposes President General Musharraf's efforts to run as president while maintaining control of the army. He has criss-crossed Pakistan, making campaign-style speeches against dictatorial rule.

Last Tuesday, a suicide bomber attacked a rally he was to address at the Islamabad bar association. More than 15 people were killed.

Today's ruling by the 13-member Supreme Court reinstates Chaudhry and drops all charges against him. Musharraf has said he will accept the court's decision. APTN recorded Chaudhry as he celebrated his victory at home with supporters, many of whom later marched in the streets shouting slogans including 'Musharraf is a dog.'

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