JM♡ 令人心跳加速!女生約會妝容| GIRLS' NIGHT OUT MAKEUP

  • 8 years ago
今次化既呢個GIRLS' NIGHT OUT 既妝容其實除左可以系同一班好姊妹出街既時候大派用場時,仲可以系唔同既晚宴場合到化呢個妝~去展現你最靚既一面 yeah! Thanks for watching x

Products Used by Jade:
1) Chanel Hydra Beauty Essence mist
2) BareMinerals Prime Time
3) Dior skin Nude Air 010
4) Collection Lasting Perfection concealer
5) Dior Eye Reviver backstage pros 001
6) Day Keep Eye brow mascara
7) Dior Snow Brow Pencil
8) Cle De Peau Mascara
9) Disney Romantic Minnie no.6 Sweet Eye Fake lashes
10) Cle De Peau Translucent loose power
11) Hour Glass Ambient lighting blush palette
12)Chanel Rouge Allure Gloss 13

Products minnie used:
1) BareMinerals Prime Time
2) Bare Minerals Complexion Rescue Tinted hydrating cream SPF 30 - Vanilla 02*
3) Collection Lasting Perfection concealer
4) BareMinerals Veil finishing powder
5) Maybelline Color tattoo
6) Kiko Eye shadow
7) 3 concept eye eyeliner
8) Herion Make Mascara

PS: Product with (*) is paid to mention.

Jadelamm / wysminnie

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