• 9 years ago
SHOCKING NEWS for doctors : Panwel-like incident repeated in Allahabad too.
Dr Rohit gupta ( a renowned Gastroenterologist of A'bad) assaulted by the pt's relatives. Pt an 80yr,alcoholic + cirrhosis with renal failure had arrest in late night, revived, but died early in morning at 4 am.
He went to see the pt but relatives thrashed Dr Rohit for 10-15 min inside the ICU , snatched his mobile, gold chain and damaged the ICU infrastructure. Dr Rohit suffered fracture face and multiple soft injuries .....!!
Just tell me few things.....
1) You travel so many times by various modes of transport available in india........
Have you ever checked that the person who is driving you around has a valid license to drive for your safety????
All doctors need to display their qualifications at their hospital.....
But still have you ever asked for gurantee of safe travel from your driver during your travel
I am 100 percent have not asked it even once...... Thats because you have a blind faith that the driver will not intentionally cause the accident and if it happens its beyond scope of his control.......
If you can have that much faith in a person whom you have never met anytime in life before or may not meet anytime in future also ; cant you show the same on a doctor whom you know well and about whose caliber you are confident ,that's why you went to him for treatment........
2) you must have your childrens going to various schools and coaching classes.....have we ever asked the teacher about the gurantee of results......i am sure not....that's because there also you believe that teacher is going to do his job of teaching and its upto student how much to grasp and how much to score.......
Simillerly a doctor also always try to give 100 percent to all his patients...... some respond favourable and some may not..... but thats because of individual response to treatment which may not always be predicted by doctor...........
I understand that today the world has become materialistic......
We spend money and we get something in return for if we spend money on medical treatment we should always get favourable result.....
But thats not always possible.....
If that would have been the situation; No rich person on this earth would have died...........
Money can't buy life...............
When you purchase TV, Fridge Washing machine or any other thing... you expect gurantee or warantee.....
It may be feasible to give warantee or gurantee on such things because all of them are of same make and respong in a same fashion to any external manipulation..... Thats not possible for human body..... same medicine given to two different person may show two different responses.... and not all responses can be predicted..... As a doctor only one thing can be guranteed and that is a sincere efforts to treat the patient and its virtually impossible to give gutantee about outcomes.......
