Washington State May Build Bridge With Aircraft Carriers

  • 9 years ago
In order to create an easy connection between two towns, it's been proposed to use retired aircraft carriers to create a bridge.

In the state of Washington, a fairly unique method for building a bridge has been proposed, which utilizes retired aircraft carriers. 

Two towns, Bremerton and Port Orchard, are separated by the Sinclair Inlet located at the base of Puget Sound. 

In order to travel back and forth between the two, one must hop on the ferry or make an eight mile drive. 

The drive involves an out-of-the-way route by heading south and then east. 

State Representative Jesse Young believes a way to alleviate this problem is to construct a bridge between the two towns made of decommissioned Vietnam-era aircraft carriers. 

$90,000 was included in a recently passed
