They say, Don't Worry, Be Happy. But how

  • 17 years ago
They say, Don't Worry, Be Happy. But how do you just stop worrying and start being happy? We start our pursuit of happiness the minute we're born, but the Art of Happiness isn't one of the things we learn in school.

Do you want to be happy? Do you want to reclaim your ability to create authentic happiness? We've created this little video about a pattern we develop early I our life that blocks our natural ability to be happy.

It's true that happiness is a choice, but we can only choose happiness if we know what prevents us from being happy in the first place. The shortest path to true happiness is found through making conscious choices. So watch the video and discover why finding true happiness isn't as impossible as it may sometimes seem.

Then, if you're ready to embrace happiness and to uncover more of the secrets to what's preventing you from being happier now, sign up for our practical and inspiring Weekly Action Tips eMail series free at:
