AphoenixD - A Life-Size Origami Elephant Folded from a Single Sheet - Artwork by SIPHO MABON (HD)

  • 9 years ago
AphoenixD - A Life-Size Origami Elephant Folded from a Single Sheet of 50 x 50 ft Paper - Artwork by SIPHO MABON



Photograph by Philipp Schmidli | On Display at KKLB, Switzerland

At the end of last year, professional origami artist Sipho Mabona launched an ambitious crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to fold a life sized elephant from a single sheet of paper. After successfully reaching his campaign goal, Mabona recently completed the endeavour after a gruelling four weeks.

The white elephant stands over 10 ft (3 meters) tall and is currently on display KKLB, Switzerland. Mabona required the help of a support team to lift and fold the gigantic sheet of paper which measured 50 ft x 50 ft (15 x 15 meters). Credit for the project can be seen below. Artwork by Sipho Mabona
Photography by Philipp Schmidli
On display at KKLB, Switzerland
Communication by Daniel Schriber
Project funding by 631 individuals on Indiegogo

[via My Modern Met]


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