Shaheed Baqir Ali khan's sweet memories ..

  • 9 years ago
Shaheed Baqir Ali Khan was born in the year 2001, 1st April, breath his last into the attack by the criminal enemies of this country on army public school on 16th of December 2014. Shaheed Baqir Ali Khan’s repository of achievements at a very young age speaks about the intellect level of this child. These certificates, medals and shields shows the booming personality. We wonder how much he would have acquired for his family, friends and country with his ever striving abilities.A pure soul Shaheed Baqir Ali Khan was a passionate, intelligent, obedient, and progressing personality.His ability to discover and learn new things continuously, and then discuss it with others was always appreciated by all; and was a distinguishing feature that highlighted his skills level compared to other children of his age group. Although he left this world bravely with his teachers and other fellow students, their sacrifice would bring the highly required unity and ability to fight against the oppressors that is badly needed by our country.
