Haiti on shaky political ground as President Martelly forced to dissolve parliament

  • 9 years ago
Failed last-ditch negotiations have led to the dissolution of the Haitian parliament.

President Michel Martelly was unable to persuade opposition senators to approve a plan to increase parliamentary terms until a vote can take place.

In December, the president tried to calm his critics by appointing the capital’s mayor, Evans Paul, as the new prime minister. Parliament refused to ratify him, although as de facto prime minister, Paul says he has started consultations to form a government.

Neither legislative, nor municipal, elections have been held during Martelly’s term in office, meaning the decisions he makes are effectively unchallenged.

Referring to the president, lawyer and opposition figure André Michel said:
“He has not organised credible elections. He’s been in power to do it and after three and a half years, he hasn’t done it. Today the parliament is dysfunctional and it’s the fault of the head of state, who no longer has any reason to be in office.”

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