Sea Lion With Gaff Through Shoulder Rescued By SeaWorld Staffers

  • 10 years ago
An injured sea lion is now recovering thanks to staffers at SeaWorld San Diego. Good Samaritans reported witnessing the creature on Sunday morning.

With the ever-growing human activity in oceans, sea animals face all sorts of unexpected threats.

An injured sea lion is now recovering thanks to staffers at SeaWorld San Diego. Good Samaritans reported witnessing the creature on Sunday morning.

The 200-pound male sea lion had a gaff pole that measured between 10 and 15 feet long wedged in his shoulder. After a number of calls came in, the facility’s Senior Veterinarian Dr. Todd Schmitt and his crew arrived on scene to assist.

They used a net to contain the creature and held him down. Schmitt injected the sea lion with a sedative and from there the team was able to use a saw to cut the gaff.

After that, the crew worked the gaff out of the sea lion’s shoulder. SeaWorld staffers posted about his ordeal on social media noting “The sea lion is now resting in our animal care facility. He’s got a 2nd chance at life and we’ll return him to the ocean when he’s fully recovered!”

Schmitt believes the sea lion may have been injured intentionally by a fisherman in an effort to keep him away from a catch. The case has been reported to National Marine Fisheries.
