Police Investigating Terrorism Link To NYC Hatchet Attack

  • 10 years ago
On Thursday, a man armed with a hatchet attacked police officers in New York City. Currently there are questions if the incident is related to terrorism.

On Thursday, a man armed with a hatchet attacked police officers in New York City. Authorities are trying to determine if the incident is terrorism related.

Reportedly the suspect, identified as 32-year-old Zale Thompson, had been hiding behind a bus shelter prior to the assault.

Four officers were on foot patrol in Queens at the time of the incident. A photographer approached them and asked if they would pose for a photo.

As they were posing, Thompson decided to attack them with the hatchet. . Two officers were hit by the weapon - one in the head, the other in the arm.

The other two cops weren’t struck and they were able to shoot and kill the assailant. Investigators later learned Zale had a criminal record in the state of California and was discharged from the Navy for misconduct.

Currently, there is no evidence to support that Zale’s involvement was linked to terrorism, but the investigation is still in the early stages.

One of the affected officers was listed in critical but stable condition. A female bystander was struck by a stray bullet in the gunfire that followed the attack and she is now recovering from surgery.
