USA: Watch Rev. Sekou get arrested for leading Ferguson clergy protest

  • 10 years ago
Video ID: 20140930-005

Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou was arrested in Ferguson Monday night as he rallied ministers calling for the arrest of Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Mike Brown. The ministers gathered on South Florissant Ave at around 23.00 local time (04.00 GMT) and were quickly surrounded by police. Rev. Sekou was the only member of the clergy to be arrested. Shots were also fired, though it is unclear whether police or protesters opened fire. No injuries have been reported.

Rev. Sekou had called for ministers and clergymen to gather and join the crowd of protesters; not to speak as an independent, mediating force. The call encouraged ministers to come to the protest wearing their collars and vestments, knowing they were at risk of arrest.

Tensions have once again flared in the St. Louis suburb, with two police officers shot in separate incidents over the weekend. Police have been banned from wearing bracelets with 'I am Darren Wilson' written upon them, as they are believed to incite community anger. A grand jury is currently deliberating whether to charge Wilson.

W/S Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou leading prayer in protest against Ferguson police
SOT, Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou, protest leader and senior minister (English): "And though the nation has betrayed them, we will not betray them. Though justice seems far away may they know that we are close to them and that we are with them and that they might know that they have already won; that they are the inspiration of this nation and we say now to the police that we have already won and you are on the wrong side of history."
W/S Gunshots being fired - police and protesters react
M/S Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou being arrested
M/S Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou being arrested
M/S Clergymen praying
C/U Clergymen praying
M/S Police moving forward in line
W/S Protesters in collective prayer
C/U Clergymen in collective prayer
M/S Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou in back of police vehicle
M/S Police line

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