Pampers and Unicef Are Starting 'every Parent's Dream' Campaign

  • vor 10 Jahren
Every parent's dream, wherever they are in the world, is for a healthy start in life for their baby. Thanks to the collective support of parents across the globe, the campaign has already helped to eliminate MNT in ten of the world's poorest countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Myanmar, Senegal, Tanzania, Timor Leste and Uganda.

But there are still babies in 30 of the world's poorest countries at risk from this fatal but preventable disease. Pampers® and UNICEF are encouraging parents to support their campaign to help make every parent's dream of a healthy start in life for their baby, come true. - RatgeberTV bietet hilfreiche und unterhaltsame Ratgebervideos zu spannenden Themen wie Wellness, Reise und Gesundheit.

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