Thirty countries gather to formulate response to Islamic State

  • 10 years ago
Representatives from more than 30 countries met in Paris Monday (September 15) to discuss ways to tackle the militant group Islamic state.

French President Francois Hollande arrived with Iraqi President Fuad Masum.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrived at the conference following his visit last week to Middle Eastern countries including Iraq, where he was to trying to build a coalition to fight IS,

Hollande on Monday called for united action against the militants.


"This terrorist movement has spread in a whole territory, in Iraq, in Syria. This terrorist movement ignores borders and has the ambition to build a state. That is the threat, it is global. So there must be a global answer."

Foreign ministers from the main European states, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, Iraq's neighbours and Gulf Arab states are in Paris to discuss broad political, security and humanitarian aspects of