Wise Men By Kanchan & Friends

  • 10 years ago
Vocalist, song writer and composer, Kanchan was inspired to write Wiseman after she saw her friends play with a deck of cards! Accompanied with Mukesh on the piano and Aditya on the guitar, this song has everything it takes to be on your playlist!
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Lyrics for the song
A wise man at his table playing his cards
Lays a bet on his life
One that's left to discard
His child sleeps on an iron bed
Now her cover she throws
Tell me,oh wise man,oh when will we know.

Ch.Many kings lost their kingdoms
Queens suffered the blame
The jokers a sad man who's been put to shame
Wars just a dirty trick,makes men lose their mind
I don't wanna be a wise man,id rather be blind

They lift up all your burdens their shadows have gone
Memories will change at the sound of the gun
The Blood of a brother,turns crimson to grey
And even a sinner will learn how to pray

Many kings lost their kingdoms
Queens suffered the blame
The jokers a sad man who's been put to shame
Wars just a dirty trick,makes men lose their mind
I don't wanna be a wise man,id rather be blind.

She lays all of her children in empty graves
Fill in all those lines with colours that fade
If colours what makes me a good man today.
Well,flesh is just human and freedoms the slave.

Many kings lost their kingdoms
Queens suffered the blame
The jokers a sad man who's been put to shame
Wars just a dirty trick,makes men lose their mind
I don't wanna be a wise man,id rather be blind.