Adnan Oktar's remarks about the struggle between Hezbollah and ISIS and the internal conflict in Palestine

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Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated September 03th, 2014

- Hezbollah has begun giving weapons training to young Christians to fight against ISIS.

Adnan Oktar: My brother, there is no need for fighting. Everything could be resolved through love, but they turn to weapons and fighting without even trying the other way. Have you never tried love? Have you never tried compassion, friendship and affection? No. They never even speak the words. For one thing you should speak of love and peace. God will help you if you do that. But they never do. They always want fighting and blood. Bloodshed leads to more bloodshed, and scourges to more scourges. They are on a false path. They are heeding satan. All fighting can be resolved through love. They would see if they tried. But love will be imposed by the personage of the End Times, the Mahdi.

I am astonished how love never occurs to them. They literally feel condemned to hate. I look at young people on the social media and many use a language that is full of hatred. Why not speak of love instead? Get yourself used to speaking of love. The rest will follow. They flee love as if it were poisonous. Nobody says a single world about love in Iraq or Syria. My brother, at least mention it once, even if you are not sincere. God will do the rest. Say it, and God will help. 'We cannot,’ they say. They are all about bloodshed, hatred, death and slaughter. Films are always along those lines, too. That is how their minds work, under the influence of satan. We will teach love, and they will learn. The time has come. By the will and might of God. This will happen through the might of the Creator of the universe.

- There is also internal conflict in Palestine. Hamas officials have announced that some members have been detained by Fatah. Fatah accuses Hamas of detaining its own members in Gaza.

Adnan Oktar: None of these people ever says a word about love. It is all violence, threats and bloodshed everywhere. Insha’Allah, we will make a paradise on earth.