Indo Western and Bollywood Saree Wearing Style

  • 10 years ago
Indo Western and Bollywood Saree Wearing Style ( ): Modern Indian women are seen in many roles, from flying fighter jets to raising kids. Gone are those days when women were supposed to stay at home and only talk to and party with family members and friends of same sex. Modern women are bold yet traditional. Be it a saree or a pair of bikini, Indian women have grown a unique taste for international fashion and are always trying to explore fashion in a new light. Realizing this, Indian fashion designers are promoting Indian traditional clothes blending a bit of Western fashion in their creation. From bikini style choli to Bollywood style saree drape, Indian women are experimenting with Indo-Western look. This saree wearing style is a craze now. Wearing a saree over leggings or denim is a trend now and we will tell you how to get that hot and happening look. -
1. Hold one end of the saree to make 7-8 pleats . Pleats need to be neat.
2. Tuck the upper end of the pleats just below the navel. The pleats should be facing left. The lower end of the pleated portion should touch the feet . It will be easier to adjust the length if you are wearing high heels while draping your saree.
3. Tuck the saree towards your left a span apart.
4. Now, get hold of the other end and make 8-9 pallu pleats . For convenience, secure the pallu pleats using a clamp.
5. Hold the pleats in your left hand and take it to the back.
6. Now use your right hand to bring the pleats from around the back and place it over the left shoulder . You should leave the saree loose enough to makes a deep U on the right side of your waist.
7. Leave the pallu to hang freely.
8. Wear light complementary jewellery and matching heels. You may put on light make up as well to get that killing look.
