GTA 5 - Are Heists Out Yet? New Heists Tracking Websites

  • 10 years ago
After browsing around on Reddit and finding a couple of these sites that are out there I'm honestly just amazed. It's been almost 300 days now since Online has been out and the rumored GTA 5 Heists, GTA 5 Stock Market, GTA 5 Casino, GTA 5 Jewelry Store Heists,GTA 5 Bank Heist, GTA 5 Horse races, and more have been pushed back further and further.

This in a way leaves the question if any of these are ever going to come out.

The one good thing about Rockstar is they are very good about keeping GTA 5 fresh for the time being and are around twice a month currently pushing updates and new DLC out which keeps the game from getting stale fast.

Anyways, I just wanted to make this video to show you guys the actual numbers on how long it has been since GTA 5 Online had come out and the amount of time that Heists and the other things that still haven't come out have also been rumored to come out for in days.

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