Yet more missiles rain down on Gaza as death toll nears 1300

  • 10 years ago

Answering the call after Israeli air strikes in Gaza. Inside emergency workers find a man trying to put out the fire. They also find a dead body.

Wednesday has brought yet more anguish to Gaza...with Israeli shelling and air strikes killing at least 90 people, bring the death toll here close to 1300. Children are among the injured --- a reality their loved ones struggle to comprehend

And it wasn;'t just rockets rainig down on Gaza. At one point --- a flurry of leaflets ---- dropped by the Israeli military. Written in Arabic, they warn locals about impending military action --- urging residents to turn in Hamas fighters and report weapons caches. Most Gazans are contemptuous of the message.

(SOUNDBITE)(Arabic) GAZA RESIDENT, Hamdi al Harazin saying (Arabic):

"This doesn't mean anything to me. It doesn't shake me one bit."

Shortly after Wednesday's attacks, Israel announced a four hour ceasefire ---
