Kangana Ranaut Following Aamir Khan's Footsteps !

  • 10 years ago
The Queen Babe and Dhoom 3 star are no best buddies, but they have some things in common...
Now why do we say, so you ask? Well, the story goes something like this...Kangana Ranaut, who stays away from awards functions, was earlier compared to Aamir Khan, as he too prefers to miss such functions.
But, besides this she has something more in common with him now. She has decided to be more choosy with projects and will be doing only one film every year, just like Aamir.
Haven't we seen the curly-haired babe doing the same thing? Well, she has decided to do only one film at one time, and this year she is just taking up the sequel to Aanand L Rai's film, opposite R Madhavan.
Does she need a break as she has just returned from a script-writing course in US?
With films like Ungli and Power in pipeline, we are sure the dusky beauty wants her successful stint to continue further (by the grace of God).
