Special Screening Of Priyanka's Mary Kom For Shah Rukh Khan

  • 10 years ago
We all know what bond Shah Rukh Khan shares with his supposed ex-flame, Priyanka Chopra, right? But yet, now look at this....You'll be surprised to hear but our King of Romance unexpectedly walked up to watch the special screening of Priyanka's much anticipated film, Mary Kom Biopic! Oh My God, like really? Was it Priyanka's special invite for her Don boy? Oh, no, no...don't go that far! Rather, it was filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali's desire to conduct a special screening for Shah Rukh and a few more industrywalas out there! Oh like that? Yes, peeps! Bhansali wanted some valuable feedback on his brave attempt and obliging to this request, SRK might soon visit, and watch his ex-love perform as the ferocious Mary Kom! Oo...so what do you think will be his comments after watching PeeCee's film? Hit or a miss, sound off in comments and stay tuned for your next update!
