Man Advertises Website By Sending Coffin Down River

  • 10 years ago
A man in New Zealand may be in some hot water after he allegedly took part in a coffin stunt to advertise his website.

There are certain things you don't want to include in your marketing strategy.

A man in New Zealand may be in some hot water after he allegedly took part in a coffin stunt. The casket was spotted floating down the Hutt River.

Inside was a mannequin and a sign for job seekers, which directed them to a website run by a Wellington entrepreneur named Dan Herbison. The whole thing was a marketing hoax, intended to get Herbison and his website some attention.

Herbison went all out for the campaign and even posed as a fisherman so he could tell journalists he witnessed a coffin floating down the water. He even took the role of hero and told reporters he anchored the casket to a riverbank.

The police were called to the scene and cordoned off the area. Everyone was expecting the worst, but in the end they all found out there was no dead body inside the coffin.

Now that it’s been ruled a marketing stunt, police are considering charging Herbison with wasting law enforcement’s time. Also his business practices could be called into question.