Thousands protest over vote fraud allegations in Afghanistan

  • 10 years ago
Around ten thousand protesters flooded the streets of Kabul to support candidate Abdullah Abdullah’s allegations of fraud in the presidential run-off.

The Northern Alliance leader’s decision to drop out of the race last week in protest has left the vote deadlocked.

The stalemate appears to have revived ethnic tensions in Afghanistan between Abudullah’s Tajik supporters and the Pashtun followers of opposition candidate Ashraf Ghani.

“We have gathered here to demand our rights and condemn the fraudsters. We want our rights and will defend our rights to the last drop of our blood,” exclaimed protester Mohammad Baraat.

Banners read ‘death to fraudsters’ and ‘we won’t accept fraud and unfair elections’.

Abdullah’s supporters accused outgoing leader Hamid Karzai of being implicated in the fraud to retain power over the country.

The deadlock comes at a dangerous time for Afghanistan. The Taliban insurgency continues as NATO-led troops plan to withdraw by the end of this year.

The UN has urged Abdullah to rejoin the electoral process.
