[FREE eBook] The Day I Lost My Superpowers by Michaël Escoffier

  • 10 years ago
Download link: http://justamazinglife.com/the-day-i-lost-my-superpowers-by-michael-escoffier-pdf/

The Day I Lost My Superpowers by Michaël Escoffier [PDF]

Childhood is a magical time when even the stuff of the day-to-day is exciting and the ordinary often seems extraordinary. A part of this magic is that with just a little imagination, we all might be found to possess true superpowers!

This isn’t the first or last book where a child delightedly discovers her own superpowers. But it may be just about the driest, funniest, and sweetest, where the discovery is handled with humor and charm.

One of the book’s true pleasures is that it’s a girl who discovers her own extraordinary abilities, and when her powers fail, as they must, she discovers them in her mom. All of which leads to a lovely intimacy between the two.

Michael Escoffier was born in France in 1970. Raised by a family of triceratops, he discovered his passion for writing and telling stories at a young age. He lives in Lyon, France, with his wife and two children.

Born in Brazil of American parents, Kris Di Giacomo is a popular children’s book illustrator who has lived in France for a long time. After living in the United States for a while, she moved to France, where teaching English to young children and discovering French picture books were the triggers that led her to try her hand at illustrating stories. Kris has illustrated a good twenty-five books, many of which have been published in many languages.
