23rd March a day to remember FOR EVER, comments from HAZARA

  • 10 years ago
The ‘Pakistan Resolution’ paved the way for the creation of Pakistan in 1947 as a single state and provided the principles of a constitutional plan for partition of India. Muslims of India instead of seeking alliance with Hindus identified themselves with a ‘Two-Nation Theory’ which emphasized on the fact that Muslims and Hindus are two separate nations and both nations are quite different from each other. The Hindus and Muslims, in spite of having lived together for centuries could not forget their own individual cultures and civilizations and keep a distance from each other. They could not amalgamate in each other’s way of life to become one nation. Therefore, the Muslims of the sub-continent wanted a separate state where they could have an opportunity to live according to their faith and creed, based on principles of Islam.

After adoption of the ‘Pakistan Resolution’, Jinnah had a clear objective before him and he struggled hard to achieve it.
Now elections are ahead, HCP team think Pakistanis need to use power of their vote and elect right people, who must have the ability to move forward Pakistan on right track.
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